New Beginnings

“I’m a planner and I just threw all my plans out the window to help a church plant.”

The Perfect Plan

If you know anything about me—you know that I am a planner. I am a very task-oriented person who loves checklists and post-its and having it all figured out. I like being in control and having my life planned out. However, these past few years I have come to a few conclusions:

1. yes, I am a planner, but God is THE planner. His ways are higher, and His plan is so much greater.

2. God has an amazing sense of humor. Time and time again He shakes things up and keeps me on my toes.

3. He goes before me. This gives me so much peace and such a sense of security. When we step into the will of God, He gives us the peace that surpasses all understanding.

All that being said - even though it was never in the plan - I just accepted the position of Next Gen Director for a brand new church starting in Goldsboro, NC. Although it’s absolutely crazy, I am completely overwhelmed by the goodness and the faithfulness of God - and never in a million years did I imagine this future for myself. 

You’re doing WHAT?! How I got Here

Coming to Liberty University has been such an incredible blessing. I have made so many incredible friends and have learned what it looks like to fully abide in God's love. I came into college planning on getting a business degree in 4 years. Now I am graduating with a degree in Psychology and Spanish in 3 years. I have an incredible job on campus where I get to minister to girls on my hall and help them walk through this season of life. Throughout quarantine, I was expectantly waiting and praying for God to reveal to me what he had planned for me next as I entered my senior year. 

Two weeks before school began, I spent a weekend in Goldsboro, NC with friends who have made such an impact in my life. They had just moved to Goldsboro to follow God's calling and plant a church there. That weekend, numerous times they said, "Addison, you're going to come help us plant this church after graduation, right?!" Every time I just laughed it off and dismissed it. Right then and there God began to work on my heart. He had already deposited a love for Goldsboro in my heart and I didn't even know. 

Several weeks passed and my heart was heavy. Those same friends came to Lynchburg to help me understand practically what it would look like for me to move to Goldsboro and help them plant a church. Throughout my meeting with them I truly felt overwhelmed and comforted by the peace of Christ. Later that night I began to have doubts. The devil was feeding me lies that I was too young, not qualified enough and that I had my whole life to share the Gospel—so why start now. I began to believe those lies.

The very next morning, I went to a new church since mine was not meeting. In the message, the pastor affirmed all the doubts I had been feeling the night before. He said that our society needs to stop coming up with excuses to get out of things that make us uncomfortable. God doesn’t call us to be comfortable—He calls us to step out in faith and to go and make disciples. God had my full attention. 

Here I am a few months later. I am fully stepping out on faith and have committed to being the Next Gen Director at Canvas Church in Goldsboro, NC. 

 “What is a Church Plant?” 

One of the most effective ways to reach “unchurched” people is through church planting. Planting a new church is exactly what is sounds like - venturing to a new area, meeting new people and starting a church with a small group of people. There are a million methods and strategies to how you plant a church - but the main point is the same for all of them: to spread the Gospel. 

Canvas Church is a brand new church starting in Goldsboro, NC. Goldsboro is home to the Seymour Johnson Air Force Base and has around 37,500 people in it. Research shows that when last surveyed, around 60% of people had no religious preference. To put it into perspective - that’s 20,000 people who do not know Jesus and have no church home. Goldsboro is prime real estate to start a new church - and I am excited to be able to join their efforts of launch this church in 2021.  

Walking on Water

In Matthew 14, Jesus walks on water. He gets to His disciples and He extends His hand to Peter. He tells Peter to come and step out of the boat. Peter must have been terrified! God was calling him to step into the ocean - into a completely unknown realm. Despite his fear, Peter did it. He stepped out of the boat and walked on water towards Jesus. He chose to trust Jesus in the midst of so much uncertainty. This same Jesus is calling me to step outside of my comfort and go somewhere completely unknown. If I’m honest… I’m terrified. But like Peter, I’m going to trust that Jesus is there waiting for me - and I’ll fix my eyes on Him and be obedient.

I'm sure many people are going to have questions. Honestly, there are questions I still do not have answers for. What I do know is that God is so faithful. He is constantly fulfilling His promises in my life in ways I did not know were even possible. 


When will you graduate college?

I will graduate in May of 2021! I worked really hard these past few years and will be graduating a year early with a degree in Psychology from Liberty University.

When will you move to Goldsboro?

I will move in July to Goldsboro. This will allow me to get adjusted and begin working alongside other staff before the Canvas launches.

Do you plan on furthering your education?

Yes! I will begin my master’s in counseling online in August of 2021. It will take me two years to complete my degree. I will be working at Canvas and getting my masters at the same time. 

When will Canvas Church launch?

The church will launch September 2021. We will be a mobile church with setup and tear down every Sunday.

What is your job responsibility at Canvas?

I will be the Next Gen Director. My job will be to create, cultivate, and multiply fun, safe, Christ-centered environments and experiences where kids grow closer to God and others. I will also work towards encouraging and equipping parents to develop a biblical worldview in their children and help them follow Jesus. 

How are you getting paid?

Because Canvas Church is a brand new church, I have committed to raising my own salary and raising support for the next two years. I will be meeting with churches and individuals interested in supporting me and the work I’ll be doing in NC - and I would love to meet with YOU if you’re interested!

"How Can I Help?"

There are a couple ways you can come alongside me during this new adventure:

1) Please pray for me.

I think sometimes, we underestimate prayer. Did you know that all throughout scripture, we see that the BEST thing anyone can do is pray? Moses split the sea, Peter was rescued by prison, Joshua literally stopped the sun - all from prayer! Prayer is such a powerful tool. These next few months are going to be challenging and I could use as much prayer as possible.

This journey is going to be difficult. I need to raise a salary, find a place to live, and move to an area where I don’t know anyone. Would you pray that God would go ahead of me and prepare the way as I follow him? 

2) Please consider partnering financially. 

As mentioned previously, because Canvas Church is a brand-new church, I am helping them in their mission by raising my own salary for 2 years. This may sound ambitious and scary, but I fully trust the Lord will provide. If this is something you are interested, please reach out to me. I would love to discuss more about what it looks like to be a financial supporter. My goal is to have all my money raised before I make the move to Goldsboro so I can hit the ground running when I get there. focus 100% of my time on families in the community.

There are a few ways you can give:

1. Give Online -

Click this link and you can give electronically. Be sure to click the dropdown menu that says “General Fund” and select “Addison Lilley Support.” 

2. Give By Text - Text “Give” to (833)-741-0659

Again, be sure to click the dropdown menu that says “General Fund” and select “Addison Lilley Support.” 

3. Give By Check - You can simply write a check to Canvas Church and put my name  (Addison Lilley) in the memo line. Please send all checks to: 

Canvas Church

PO Box 332

Goldsboro, NC 

